Best Cure Treatment Acne

4 Ways To Prevent Acne Cover

Various types of acne are present on the face, of course, must be covered in different ways as well.

1. Newly emerging pimples
Redness accompanied by sufficient disturbing pain is usually a "alarm" that calls for acne to irritate you immediately. This will certainly be easily covered with a sweep of concealer. But, do not use a creamy texture, because in its ability to cover the acne will fade faster and easily swept by the friction of your hand. Overcome by applying concealer-shaped sticks using a special brush concealer. Sweep first on the back of your hand not too thick, just apply to the dilema area before using the foundation.

2. Acne is red and starts to enlarge

Avoid applying concealer directly to your acne point. To be perfectly covered, apply in the area around the acne using a brush, then blend to the middle. To disguise concealer colors, use an eyeshadow brush that has been previously immersed in translucent powder, then sapukam thin on the area of  acne.

3. Acne that has shrunk

At this stage, often your skin feels dry and uneven. Therefore, apply moisturizer to the area, then press fine using a tissue to lift up the layers of dry skin. Afterwards, apply the concealer directly to the point of acne and move the brush in different directions (top, bottom, and side) so that makeup can blend with the camouflage you create.

4. Acne scars

To smooth the acne scars instantly but temporarily, you can rely on eyeliner brushes instead of having to rush to make an appointment to do laser treatment in the clinic. The trick is pulaskan brush on the stick concealer and apply on the inside of acne scars. This technique will disguise the black shadow of the wound on the face. After that, do not forget to maximize with mattifying liquid foundation.


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