Best Cure Treatment Acne

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Summer skin care that are most commonly used, the sunscreen. Alatrabhayoletarasmi sunscreen protects from harmful sun. The skin due to the sun's harmful rays sanabarna, the black spots.

In addition, the harmful rays of the sun are responsible for the rapid wrinkles. More or less we use sunscreens. But the use of sunscreen, which we unknowingly do something wrong. And these mistakes are due to the damaged skin.

Let us assume that the use of sunscreen ? 6 wrong ....

1. Older use a sunscreen
Regular sunscreen use sunscreen from last year was due to some home. Using this year. If the error. Check the expiration date before using sunscreen old. Please do not place the hot bottle sunscreens featuring moisturizing ingredients. Heat destroys the ingredients sunscreens featuring moisturizing ingredients. This use can damage the skin.

2. Do not use sunscreens
Sunscreen should be used throughout the year. Not just summer, rainy season, you should use a sunscreen even in the winter. The sun's UV rays in sunscreens featuring moisturizing ingredients that protect the skin. From the harmful UV rays of the sun on cloudy days out, which is skin damage. Sunscreen should be used after a few hours. It is absorbed into the skin like mayescaraijarera.

3. Depending on the makeup SPF
Using a sunscreen with SPF Many people think makeup is not necessary. But it is a fallacy. Add the Foundation SPF SPF is not used enough or mayoscaraijare, which will protect your skin. So before using sunscreen on the foundation of its use. This will protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

4 . Do not use all the skin
Most people put on sunscreen just in the face . But sunscreen hands, feet , neck , back ( open space ) put it . Not only that covered parts of the sunscreens should be used .

5. SPF count of the number of
The difference between SPF 50 and SPF 100 is very little . Therefore, use a sunscreen with high SPF sunscreen for the skin than to use it to give more importance .

6. Obey the rules
Sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going out in the sun should be used . Lotion or cream on the skin for the skin to perform well should be given time to merge .

Written By-Md Mohiuddin Mohin

Hot or cold . Face washing is important to keep yourself fresh . The accumulation of excess skin on the face of dust , dirt , oil away the face several times a day to keep yourself clean is dhutei . However, with the face wash is the obsession of many different kinds?

Out of time to wash away some of the mistakes that we have the 
Repeated washing : due to excessive heat caused by oily skin or washed away in a row one . Experts are , however , should not wash your face too . The skin damage .

Bedroom did not face before washing : wash your face at night and lay people . This leads to skin problems . Wash your face before going to bed at night as well .
Additional oily skin : Wash your mouth with water before they are extra oily skin to absorb excess oil . Blatim forehead and nose on both sides of the paper to absorb the oil or toner soaked cotton to absorb the excess oil from the face .

Face Wash : Wash your face when buying skin care does not own them . Understand your skin type is light , non - phomim Choose Face Wash .
Cold water : Many people find comfort in summer gust of cold water to wash the face with it. Use of water for washing the face isadusna time .

Additional Scrub : acne , many times, if you 've been to Scrub . If the skin is dry, rough eksapholiyeta much oil is required .
Written by -Md Mohiuddin Mohin

Here's how to prevent the occurrence of acne so as not to come back:

1.Diligent to clean the face
Treat facial health by cleansing the face at least twice a day with a facial cleanser. Choose a cleanser that matches skin type and is safe for facial skin.
Currently there are many cleaners that contain natural ingredients on the market. Diligent cleansing the face is the key in keeping the skin from dirt and excess oil that can cause acne.

2. Do not touch your acne, let alone punch
If your face is acne, never touch the face with dirty hands let alone punch it. Acne squeezing can aggravate the condition of the skin and cause acne scars that are difficult to remove.

3. Avoid excessive makeup
Do not overuse the makeup or excessive makeup. Use makeup that matches skin type and only under certain conditions. Do not forget to clean the makeup before bed.

4. Diligent exercise
Diligent exercise good to balance hormones and reduce the risk of stress that affects acne. Bathing with warm water after exercise can rid the body of sweat and oil that can cause acne.

5. A healthy diet
Healthy and balanced food hidangan can maintain healthy skin. Consumption of fruits and vegetables is believed to cleanse the face of toxins and overcome acne from within. If you frequently experience acne problems it is better to avoid oily, fatty, fast food and caffeine.

Thus some ways to get rid of acne naturally without the need to spend a lot of money. Natural ingredients are safer to use than drugs containing chemicals.
Although chemicals can overcome acne quickly, but chemical drugs can cause side effects if used continuously. The use of natural ingredients to overcome acne requires patience and perseverance. Therefore, use natural materials regularly and discipline to obtain the desired results.

Symbol of beauty lips , the lips of many is by birth a little dark . Natural pink lip due to the neglect and indifference of some of the bad habits of the mind are destroyed after the fall of dusk . Some of the rules and take care of the regular lip nigrescent can be largely eliminated .
There are many aspects of beauty that is imperfect is to develop your forms are interrupted . An aspect of your lips . Jantar would be taken a little more for the lip . Understand that your beauty became more glamorous . Assume that some simple procedures to remove lip nigrescent

1 . Use lip nigrescent to remove the pack following :

Keep refrigerated cooling somewhat fuller few drops of lemon juice and mix with the soil . Mix lightly rub over the lip of cotton soaked in cold water for ten minutes and then wash it with

2. They are born on the lips dry lips as they always use cyapastika or Lip Balm .

3. Skim milk or raw milk is slightly shorter , and put them on the frozen cream lips occasionally , it will be soft lips .

4 . Cleansing Milk lips every night before going to sleep or after some time and put cold cream , then remove with a wet cotton narisim light cream and put to sleep .

5. Do not keep too much time to dry lips .

6. Always use glycerin lips and keep them fresh .

7. Keep away from soap lips . Phesaoyasa unauthorized or alkali soap can be fitted .

8. Keep your mouth clean , if necessary , use mauthaoyasa .

9. Your lips and apply a little lemon juice mixed with milk every day , quietly lip kalobhaba will be gone . This week, twice if you use dark coloring will disappear slowly .

10. Somewhere to eat before going to the invitation to apply lipstick with a lip on the powder after tapping paphe little Tyalakama apply . The lipstick will be sitting on the lip .

Written By_Md Mohiuddin Mohin

Acne is a skin persoalan characterized by the appearance of spots on several parts of the body, such as face, neck, back, and chest. These spots can range from mild ones, such as blackheads and blackheads, to severe spots containing pus and cysts. Usually the spots are considered severe will leave a scar.
In addition to being characterized by symptoms such as oily skin and the appearance of spots, sometimes acne also causes the skin to feel hot and sore to the touch. There are some parts of the body that are usually overgrown with acne and the most common is the face. Acne is a common condition, meaning that most people have experienced it
Most cases of acne occur in someone under the age of 28 years. Especially for teenagers, they are very susceptible to acne at the age of 14-19 years.

Factors causing acne
Acne can appear at any age, but changes in hormone levels during puberty are often associated with the causes. These hormonal changes affect the oil producing glands or sebum that is located close to the hair follicles in the skin.
The inner layer of the hair follicle also thickens due to changes in hormone levels and causes clogged skin pores. Blockage of these pores will not disappear, even if the skin has been cleaned.
In addition to puberty, acne can also be experienced by women due to hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. Acne is also known to be hereditary. Most likely someone will have acne if both parents break out as well.
Until now there is no evidence that acne is caused by sexual activity, food, or poor hygiene.

Diagnosis of acne
Doctors are usually able to diagnose acne just by looking at the skin of the patient directly. Through examination, the doctor can determine the type of acne that grows and measure the severity (inflammation and the amount of acne). After the diagnosis is done, then the handling plan can be made.

The right action is done if it has acne
It is important to maintain skin hygiene in acne areas, although it will not prevent the appearance of
new acne. Wash the area twice a day using a cleanser or face soap. In order not to get irritated, do not rub the skin too hard.
Now most of the moisturizer products have been through the testing phase so as not to cause blackheads or acne. Use a moisturizer if your skin is dry and avoid wearing beauty products that can clog skin pores.
Although acne can not be cured, but can still be controlled through treatment. Gel-shaped drugs, moisturizers, and creams are now widely available in pharmacies. If you have acne, it's good to consult a doctor, especially if the use of over-the-counter medicines does not work out or even cause side effects such as:
-  Swelling of the face, eyes, lips, or tongue.
-  sore throat and shortness of breath.
-  Fainting.
Generally doctors recommend the use of products containing low benzoyl peroxide concentrates. But be careful in using it because in the industrial field, the concentrate is also used as a bleach clothing.
You may need stronger antibiotics or creams if your acne is severe and occurs on a number of body parts, such as the chest and back. Remember that the use of these drugs should still be prescribed by a doctor.

Complications of acne
Ask your doctor if acne growth worsens. If severe acne is not treated immediately, it is feared could cause complications of scars. In addition, it is advisable to see a doctor if the drug used can not control the growth of acne that makes you not confident and depressed.
Acne treatment requires patience. It is not advisable to squeeze pimples as it will leave a permanent scar. Usually treatment will show optimal results in three months.

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